
Invisible history of exhibitions - international symposium

art always has its consequences

The symposium organized in parallel with the exhibition addresses crucial questions in relation to auto-histories of Eastern-European underground art, self-positioning through international exhibitions, and reinterpretation of art history.

How can we remember, reconstruct, and recycle exhibitions in order to include them in our shared historical knowledge? How could historical research adapted to international curatorial discourses change the ever prevailing feeling of being ignored and belated of historically and geo-politically marginal art scenes? How Eastern-European art practitioners could take advantage of - and at the same time overcome the voyeuristic western market interest in communist past fueled by both post-colonialism and globalism? How can we make sense of the shared experiences of youth movements, sub-, parallel- and counter cultures, political activism and the fundamental differences concerning the legacies of neo-avant-garde?

Themes and sessions of the symposium:
1. Revisiting exhibitions: reconstruction and re-contextualization
2. Archives - the archive as exhibition format and exhibition archives
3. East European exhibitions as tools of identity-politics
4. Exhibition making as an emancipatory practice

Judit Angel (HU), Maja and Reuben Fowkes (GB, HR), Izabel Galliera (USA), Reesa Greenberg (CAN), Vit Havranek (CZ) Yelena Kalinsky (USA/RU), Júlia Kalniczay (HU), (SRB), Viktor Misiano (RU), Cristian Nae (RO), Lívia Páldi (HU), prelom kolektiv (SRB), Natasa Petresin-Bachelez (FR/SLO), Isabelle Schwarz (DE), Keiko Sei (JPN/THA), Georg Schöllhammer (AT), Emese Süvecz - Orshi Drozdik (HU), What How and for Whom? (HR), Andrea Tarczali (HU), Katalin Timár (HU), Magdalena Ziolkowska (PL), Tamás St.Auby(HU)

Introduction and moderation: Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László

organizer: tranzit. hu (
contact: Ágnes Szanyi,, +36 70 7798132
concept of the symposium: Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, and Emese Süvecz

Partner and technical support for the symposium: Krétakör Bázis

The exhibition Parallel Chronologies and the symposium Invisible History of Exhibitions is part of the international project Art Always Has Its Consequences co-financed by the Culture 2007 program of the European Union.

supported by the National Cultural Fund, Hungary and the European Cultural Foundation

Invisible history of exhibitions. Parallel chronologies - exhibition
Who Writes the History of Art?

External Links
Art Always - Project website
Exhibition History - archive

symposium_program.pdf (pdf, 46 kb)