
Survival Strategies III: Exercises in

3 Seminars between February and April 2025. /

We invite you to join us in our attempt at pirate care in culture through the sharing of ideas and the experience of community.

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Fembook – A visual glossary for a post-patriarchal society

Collective photobook workshop /

The second Photobook Workshop will focus on the production of a collective book that explores the subject of patriarchy.

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THE SPACE OF OPPORTUNITY IS ACTVE FOR THREE YEARS // Anniversary festival at Práter 63

On September 13-14, 2024 between 4 and 9 pm, you can gain insight into the activity of the Space of Opportunity!

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Urban Camp III

Homo prospectus. Seeing into the Future [1] /

The Space of Opportunity presents its third Urban Camp, a series of art workshops in the summer. The first series concentrated on the here and now, on the empirical experience of the urban environment through our senses, while in the second edition we invited the participants to descend into the deep layers of history. It seems logical that after the present and the past, our focus should be on the future: we will continue to use the urban environment as our ‘playground,’ as participants can discover or create unbeaten paths.

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Survival Strategies II

Brave New Worlds? /

This year, in the second edition of the Survival Strategies seminar series, participants can take part in ‘thought experiments’ that go beyond our current world and they can create together in workshops led by contemporary artists.

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Keeping Freedom in Mind: Civil Resistance 2010-2023

The Remembrance of Activism. Closing event /

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Creative Public Life. How to Create Change in Times of Democratic Crisis

International Workshop-Conference (Budapest, 20-21 October 2023) /

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Keeping Freedom in Mind: Civil Resistance 2010-2023

Documentary exhibition about social movements /

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Space of Opportunity program: Survival Strategies

Free Seminar – Fall Semester /

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Urban Camp at The Space of Opportunity

Five days, five artists, five senses /

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Can we bridge political divides?

First showing of the film and discussion /

Presentation of a documentary made during a four-part socio-drama series

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Lehetőségek tere (Space of Opportunity) has been running for half a year!

Events and workshops at Lehetőségek tere (Space of Opportunity) at Práter 63 has been running for half a year now!

What is happening here?

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Can we still talk to each other?

Workshop series for young people for understanding and accepting opposing perspectives. /

Four sociodrama workshops facilitated by Ágnes Blaskó and Krisztina Galgóczi. A documentary made by Sári Haragonics and her team at Lehetőségek tere.

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Colonia Herbaria. Community Spaces – Plant Subjects

A joint project of the Space of Opportunity (Judit Árva, Kitti Gosztola) and the students studying park design at Varga Márton Horticultural and Surveying Technical School /

Opening: 16th December 2021, 5 pm
Venue: Práter 63 (1083 Budapest, Práter u. 63.)

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The Crocus Project – With Flowers Against Violence

Crocus bulb planting and debate with high school students in Budapest’s 8th district /

Date: 10th November 2021
Venue: Molnár Ferenc square, Space of Opportunity (Práter 63)

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The Space of Opportunity is open

Community space under 63 Práter Street /

On 20 September 2021 the Space of Opportunity, a community space for young people, opened at last under 63 Práter Street, in Józsefváros, Budapest’s 8th District.

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The Space of Opportunity – PRÁTER 63 BELAKÓ

Time: 20 July 2021 – 5 August 2021, 3 times a week starting at 5 pm.
Venue: 1083 Budapest, Práter street 63.

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The Space of Opportunity

Community based educational program and common space /

In 2019 started to develop a community based educational program with the involvement of artists and cultural workers. The Space of Opportunity is an initiative in which young people between the ages of 14 and 26 can join an outside school community with the aim of reducing inequalities which are frequently reproduced in the education system.

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