In 2006 starts tranzit quarter as part of the art magazine Művilág (Artworld) of the Hungarian Radio.
Guests are invited to edit an independent 15 minutes long audio insert.
Petöfi Rádió, Mhz 94, 8
21.04-22.00 Müvilág
appr. 21.45invited editor by tranzit quarter: MONOMANIC
Allaround-music composition constructed of bathroom-songs, monologues, outer-and inner noices and silence from time to time turning into soundorgy.
Singing in bathrooms are: Péter Drucker, Péter Lovas, Zsuzsanna Németh, Petra Tisza, Ágnes Tóth, Ambrus Tövisházi
MC in the wind: Busa
Edited by Hajnal Németh Re-edited by Róbert Bereznyei
Hajnal Németh was born 1972 and finished her studies at the Intermedia Department of the Academy of Fine Art in Budapest in 2000. Since the second half of the 1990s she is producing manipulated photographs, digital prints, videos and installations. Her imaginary starts from advertisements and computer games and concentrates our times’ virtualized world of experience and emotions in series of images and short film narratives, portraying the ongoing change of identity.
In the last few years sound became an increasing role in her works, she exhibited the installation Thursday forever / MC-Monument in 2003 (Ludwig Museum, project room), in which the portraits of well-known Berlin based MC-s are combined with the music mixed by them.