Tranzitblog thematic issue (in Hungarian)
Linked to the project under development, Space of Opportunities we launched a research program in 2020 to map and analyze connected “educational issues” in the more distant and closer past as well as in the present. The first results of the research are collected in the tranzitblog issue Pedagogies of Hope published between December 2020 and February 2021.
Editors: Dóra Hegyi, Andrea Pócsik
Topics: Dóra Hegyi’s interview with members of the “Bábel” community; Andrea Pócsik’s review on the book by Zoltán Beck A megszólalás üres helye [The Empty Space of Speaking Up]; Monika Perenyei’s text on the art pedagogical activity of the recently passed away István Bodóczky; Judit Árva’s interview with participants of the independent art department ( f***k); Tamás Szegedi on the current education of drama trainers at Független Színház (Independent Theatre); Éva Bubla on contemporary art practices and environmental education in South East Asia and Hungary; Anna Mária Juhász on’s “Artists at Schools” project.
Image: Space of Opportunities. Crocus planting action at the Molnár Ferenc Square and Mátyás Square, 8th district, Budapest in October 22nd, 2020. Group photo with the participants. Photo: Anna Vörös