Free Seminar – Fall Semester
The Rebellion of a Man Asleep
“There are beds. Homes: strictly speaking. We still have beds, we still live: strictly speaking. A bed is a shelter in the strict sense of the term. A strict, a straight, a restricted shelter.”
The bed by Vilém Flusser
What can we do in these times of crisis, when we do not know if there will be a future, and if so, what can we expect from it? Are we really members of the burnout society? What should we do with feeling lost and anxious? What practices do we develop - consciously or even unconsciously - to deal with all of this? Lehetőségek tere (The Space of Opportunity) addressed these questions in the fall seminar titled Survival Strategies.
The seminar consists of six occasions, on which we explore new ways of collective thinking and sharing experiences through experimentation and interdisciplinary practices. Survival Strategies will explore the themes of laziness, self-exclusion, engagement, connection, and organization, approached through art, philosophical practice and performativity. We do not see each themes as a negative or positive 'possibility', nor do we wish to apply the themes as a suggested direction of development: we wish to explore each mode of action equally and from several directions, exploring their 'good' and 'bad' sides and their interconnectedness.
Date: 11 November - 17 December 2022
Facilitators: Judit Árva, Zsuzsanna Bódi (Sanna Bo), Kitti Gosztola, Dóra Hegyi, Dóri Lázár, Leonárd Máriás, Luiza Moraes, Bence György Pálinkás, Zsófia Puszt, Anna Réz
Scheduled seminar dates and topics:
11 November 2022 - Introductory session
18 November 2022 - Laziness
19 November 2022 – Engagement
02 December 2022 – Self-exclusion
16 December 2022 - Connection
17 December 2022 - Organisation
We will be continuing the Survival Strategies seminar in 2023.