

academia (an exploratory journey)

Exhibition in the Oratory of the Kiscell Museum /

The project academia (exploratory journey) is conceived as a subjective documentation of the scientific collections of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), in the form of images, videos, sound recordings and texts.

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Who cares? On self-organised practices of collective care

Tranzitblog thematic issue (in Hungarian) /

Over the past one and a half year, the topic of care has become a central theme not only in social theory, but also in art discourse. Global health, political and economic crises have also brought about a crisis of (public) care.

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The Space of Opportunity

Community based educational program and common space /

In 2019 started to develop a community based educational program with the involvement of artists and cultural workers. The Space of Opportunity is an initiative in which young people between the ages of 14 and 26 can join an outside school community with the aim of reducing inequalities which are frequently reproduced in the education system.

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Educational Matters I. – Pedagogies of Hope

Tranzitblog thematic issue (in Hungarian) /

Linked to the project under development, Space of Opportunities we launched a research program in 2020 to map and analyze connected “educational issues” in the more distant and closer past as well as in the present.

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Artist-in-Residence Programme at Q21/MuseumsQuartier in Vienna /

The two months residencies are designed for artists, curators and theoreticians from Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia working in the field of contemporary art to do research in their respective area.

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Book Presentation: Creativity Exercises. Emancipatory Pedagogies in Art and Beyond

Online event /

Date: October 7, 2020 4-6 pm, CET

Please register at the link here to the ZOOM event, which will be streamed at Facebook Live

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#9 of Mezosfera online magazine ( was edited by
the xtro realm group (Rita Süveges and Anna Zilahi). The issue will be
availible online on October 5, 2020.

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Mezosfera Magazine Online Launch

Thematic Issue: Which Past the Present Stands On? Shifting Paradigms of Regional Art History Writing /

Time: August 28, 2020, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (CET)

On Zoom and Facebook Live.

Please register for the Zoom event here

Participants of the online launch event: Edit András, Ivana Bago, Mayookh Barua, Shuruq Harb, Dóra Hegyi, Vera Mey, Eszter Szakács, Jelena Vesić

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Write Or Be Written Off

Call for Papers: Mezosfera open peer review issue on publishing as empowerment in art and culture /

The upcoming thematic issue of Mezosfera online magazine invites contributions on publishing in the fields of art and culture.

Please submit your abstract and short bio (both in English) by June 5th, 2020 at

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Solidarity Must Be Defended

Anthology on transnational solidarity /

Edited by Eszter Szakács and Naeem Mohaiemen

Publishers: Budapest: – Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum – Istanbul and Ankara: SALT – New Delhi: Tricontinental – Gwangju: Asia Culture Center

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Trafó and present: Igor and Ivan Buharov_Eternal Intentionfield Tuning

Performance and Installation /

Date: December 16, 2019, 7-8.30 pm
Venue: Vasas Szakszervezeti Szövetség Székháza [Vasas Federation of Metalworkers' Union], 2nd floor main hall, Magdolna u. 5-7., Budapest 1086

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Mezosfera Event: Which Past the Present Stands On? Shifting Paradigms of Regional Art History Writing

Public Round Table /

Time: December 14, 2019, 6 pm to 7.30 pm, room 19
Venue: Vasas Szakszervezeti Szövetség Székháza [Vasas Federation of Metalworkers' Union], Magdolna u. 5-7., Budapest 1086

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The Space of Opportunity

Community based educational program and common space /

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The Space of Opportunity is open

Community space under 63 Práter Street /

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ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit:

ERSTE Stiftung